Each business entity is registered with DOS ID, business legal name, entity type, filing date, registered agent name and address, officer name and address, office address, etc. The database also includes assumed name filings for corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships. This Corporation and Business Entity Database includes business and not for profit corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and other miscellaneous businesses. Limited liability companies must submit a statement every two years that verifies the service of process address. With some exceptions, each business corporation must submit a statement every two years verifying their service of process address and identifying the name and address of the chief executive officer of the corporation and the address of the principal executive office of the corporation. If the entity name is not distinguishable from the name of all other entities on file with the Department of State, the corporation must use a fictitious name which, likewise, must be distinguishable from the name of all other entities on file with the Department of State. Out-of-state corporations which choose to do business in Washington State must file with the Department of State an application for authority. Each corporate, limited liability company or limited partnership name must be unique. Business corporations, not-for-profit corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships must file a formation document with the Washington State Department of State in order to do business within the State of Washington. Established in 1778, and known as the Keeper of Records for more than two centuries, the Department improves the quality of life for all Washingtoners by providing a myriad of essential services and programs to local governments, businesses, community organizations and citizens.

The Washington State Department of State, one of the oldest and most diverse agencies in state government, works to make Washington a more welcoming, equitable, and prosperous place for all who call it home. Similar Entities Businesses with similar names Business NameĨ708 188th Ave E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391-7173Ĥ971 Country Club Way Se, Port Orchard, WA 98367-9034Ģ200 112th Ave Ne Ste 200, Bellevue, WA 98004-2951 Lilac City Legal Technician Services, LLCĢ01 W Francis Ave, Suite C, Spokane, WA 99205
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Registered Agent Information Registered Agent NameĬorporation Documents History Document Typeīusinesses in the same zip code Business Name

The officers of the entity include Heather Harris (GOVERNOR), Kevin Mace (GOVERNOR). The agent office address is 2504 W Courtland, Spokane, WA 99205. The registered agent of the business is Kevin Mace. The registered business location is at 2504 W Courtland, Spokane, WA 99205.

The entity was incorporated on Apin Washington, expiring on April 30, 2007, disolved on August 1, 2007. The Unified Business Identifier (UBI) of the entity is #602469124, the entity type is Wa Profit Corporation and the business category is Regular Corporation. is a business entity in, Washington registered with the Secretary of State of Washington State.